Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Jameson - Flat Stanley Arrived Safely in Kansas City, MO

Hi Jameson, just wanted to let you know that Flat Stanley arrived in Kansas City today.  I am taking him to visit your cousins tomorrow, Isaiah and Luke.  Your cousins are so excited to meet Stanley.  They are making plans for him this weekend.  I will send you pictures later.  I sure hope Stanley enjoys visiting Kansas City.  We are excited to have him here.

Love you - Aunt Mitzy and Uncle Mike


  1. Hi Jameson - just wanted to let you know Flat Stanley tasted Kansas City Masterpiece BBQ today. He said it was delicious. I will send you pictures when Flat Stanley returns to you.

    He really enjoyed meeting your cousins this morning.

    1. Mitzy,

      Jameson is just tickled to see some interaction from Stanley. We can't wait to get Stanley back and see pictures from his trip. Thank you so much for letting Stanley come visit and for taking such good care of him.


      Mindy, Jameson & Lily too

  2. Jameson, you will be so proud of Stanley. He volunteered with Uncle Mike and I on Saturday. We helped the Kansas City Chiefs with the Environmental Day recycle event. He worked so hard, and it was really cold and windy, but he didn't complain, he just guided people to specific places so they could drop of their items.

    Also, Stanley played with Isaiah and Luke on Sunday. I took a picture for you. They had fun with Stanley. Love you. Aunt Mitzy

  3. Jameson, Stanley says he does not know what to think of the crazy Kansas City weather. It was so nice on Sunday when he played outside with your cousins, and today, it is cold and snowing. We had planned on visiting some of the beautiful fountains in Kansas City, but we will have to wait until this weekend, hope the weather is nicer so we can take pictures. Love you, Aunt Mitzy.
